Daylight savings time ended last night/this morning at 2 am. And my eyes popped open bright and early at 6:30 am as the sun streamed directly on my face. Whaa...? Oh well, I was awake. I caught up on a DVR'ed show and was ON TIME for church! Yay!! (I usually
tip strut in during praise & worship). I was NOT going to be late for church when we had a whole extra 60 minutes this morning. I guess the extra hour boosted my energy levels because I was super productive today. I blogged, bought groceries for the week, walked the dog, cooked dinner & lunch for 3 days this week and got my 70 squats in! My personal treat for myself today was the Maxwell House International Cafe' French Vanilla. I hadn't had this in a
while and thought it would be perfect for these cool fall nights. I enjoyed a cup while I watched Black Girls Rock! tonight on BET. Yum! And yes, I rep UNC all day, everyday. I even have a Carolina tumbler on my desk at work that I drink my water out of.
Random topic that sorta goes with being a Black Girl who Rocks....I had an interesting interaction with an associate last night. She remarked that she was amazed that I'm a girly-girl. She said that with me being 6'1, I'm the
only tall girl she knows that's not a baller but truly a girly-girl. She said she was trying to "figure me out". It sorta struck me as odd because, I'm no tnow nor have I ever been an athlete. While I love watching sports, I am the epitome of a very feminine tall woman. Competitive - yes. Strong personality - absolutely. Soft, tender, emotional, girly, classy, eloquent woman - you better believe it. What's hard to figure out about that? #shouldershrug The comment was posed in a slightly negative way...that there was something wrong with me being tall AND girly. Like I wasn't living up to my potential. For a moment, I started trying to share all the ways that I'm
not girly. I watch, understand, and commentate sports. I love action films. I have tons of male friends. I can throw a football....WAIT! Hold the line. I am girly. I love lavender & hot pink, flowers, beautifying myself, 4 inch heels and clutches. I sashe' when I walk, giggle, cry over romantic films, and sing all my favorite songs. I also love all of the Fast & Furious series, UNC basketball, Dallas Cowboys football, and now baseball. I listen to games on the car radio, call to debate the games with my dad every Sunday, & would rather sit with the guys than the girls at Superbowl parties. Nothing makes my day more than playing with my godson AND I walk the halls of the company I work for with a power walk that rivals Olivia Pope. DON'T box me in! My being tall is a direct result of a 6'7 man (my father) and a 5'9 woman (my mother) loving each other. Being tall does not define who I am or what I should be no more than my dark brown eyes do. I am a woman. I have a right to define me the way I choose to be seen by the world. #dropsmicasIstepoffsoapbox
Ok, Day 3 of the squat challenge. My quads are burning and my gluts are on Fiya!!! - 70 squats today.
I thought I would give my starting measurements so I can do a before & after at the end of the month.
Before shot - 11/3/2013 (after 2 days of squats) |
39 inches around my derriere
22 inches around my left thigh
22.5 inches around my right thigh