Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Where's NaturallyNita??

Hi everyone!  Happy New Year!  I know many of you are wondering, where in the world is Nita???  Well, I'm still here.  I took a little hiatus after the holidays to get refreshed.  I will be back in the next week with some new blog posts and an upcoming GIVEAWAY to celebrate my 1 year fully natural anniversary (December 20th) as well as my 1 year blogging anniversary (January 19th).  So if you are a visitor to my blog and not an official follower, go ahead and become a follower so that you can participant in the giveaway!  Only followers can participate!

In 2012 expect to continue to see my growth journey progress as well as more of a commitment to filling you in on my healthy lifestyle journey.  This will include my commitment to exercise and healthy eating.  I will also be providing more social/cultural commentary this year.  Last year, I purposely stayed away from this as I wanted to commit my first year to focusing on my natural hair journey, however I am much more than my hair and will be showing you more sides of me this year.  I will continue my recognizable natural feature in 2012 as well!  So much more to come this year for my blog.

Also, I'm never far away from Twitter so if you're not following me there please follow me @NaturallyNitaNC!  I do respond to tweets and I tweet daily about not only my hair but also other random happenings. 

I hope you guys are off to an awesome year!!!! 


  1. Hey there Nita. I was wondering where you were. Glad to see you're alive and well.

  2. Yes! Alive, kicking, and doing well. I just needed a little break. But I'm ready to get back at it with new features! And it looks like your hair is growing as well from your picture!


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