Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Inspiration: Vision Boards: Live Your Dreams...But First Write the Vision

 Welcome to a new feature for NaturallyNita...Sunday Inspiration.  Check back each Sunday for a post that will showcase inspirational or motivational thoughts, ideas, songs, or concepts.  Let's grow together!

At the end of each year, most people whether formally or informally take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments (or the lack thereof) of the previous year.  Most people end that reflection with this thought, "I'm going to do better at ______ next year."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  We should all want to continue improve on ourselves year after year.  Anything that's not growing is slowing dying.  So continual growth and achievement should be applauded. The reason why New Year's resolutions are often scoffed at is because in a high percentage of cases, people don't keep their resolutions.  "I" believe that resolutions are not kept because people don't establish a plan for success. They have great intentions but no strategy for seeing it through to the end.

Vision boards became very popular after the book & movie,  The Secret  came out.  In the movie, a man talked about the vision boards that he found some 5 years after creating them and in 5 years time he had everything on the board that he had put on his vision board.   Is this some miraculous occurrence?  No. Way before The Secret, In Habakkuk 2:2 The Bible says, "And the Lord answered me: "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets so that he may run who reads it." (ASV)  When you plainly write the vision or your dreams down, you can run after them.  And when you run after your vision, you can live your dreams.

Many years ago, I created a vision board.  Many of the things on that vision board I achieved.  Still more was left to be realized.  This year I created another vision board and put the things on that board that I wanted to accomplish this year.

Here are the snap shots of that vision board and I'll let you know what they represent:

The top left corner of my dream board represents my relationship with God.  In this year, I've committed to spending more time in prayer and reading the Word of God.  I intend for my faith to grow stronger and to truly become an instrument of worship. 

The bottom left corner of my dream board represents my commitment to good health.  I intend to get those flat abs that have eluded me!  I'm committing to incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet,  I plan to stay active, and not only do I want my body healthy, I want my hair and skin to be healthy and radiant as well!!

The top right corner of my dream board represents commitment to my business, which I haven't spoken much about on this blog.  This blog is a hobby for me.  It's fun.  In addition to my full time job, I have a business, Virtual LEAP.  This business is dedicated to small business owners and entrepreneurs and provides virtual assistant services.  We do everything from the simple letter, to market research, social media updates/campaigns, mass mailings, etc.  Last year the business was launched in August.  I ended the year with 5 clients.  My goal is to double that client base this year and greatly increase the number of billable hours per month.  You'll also note that not only are there business goals represented here but financial goals and rewards. 

The bottom right corner of my dream board represents my romantic life.  I desire to be in a healthy, mature, committed relationship this year.  This section reflects images of Black love and marriage and commitment.

The bottom center of my dream board represents vacation plans for this year!  Last year was dedicated to paying off debt which I did.  This year I want to use some of my vacation time for some fun!  The biggest vacation that I want to take this year is to the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans.  I also want to spend some time at the beach and I want to visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial.  I would love to squeeze in another trip to visit my best friend in the San Francisco Bay area as well.

The top center of my dream board just are inspiring quotes and themes for the year.  I want to be a purpose driving Black woman.  I no longer intend on living life without pursuing the purpose for which God has set before me.  I choose joy....that is a decision every day....whether to wallow in self pity or to choose joy.  I choose the later.  God has not given me the spirit of fear and so I no longer allow it to exist in my home.  Family is always important to me...and there are other themes there that you can see.

If you've never done a dream board/vision board, I encourage you to do one.  There is nothing like having a constant reminder in front of you.  You may say you don't have the magazines to cut out the phrases that I did.  That's ok, on, you can create a virtual dream board for free!  For more information, click here.

So!  I've shared my dreams/vision for 2012 with you.

What are your goals for the new year?  What are your resolutions?  What steps are you taking to make sure you achieve them?  Share!

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