Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Protective Natural Hair Style: Flat Twist Up Do

Though we're experiencing a milder than usual winter in NC (it's 66 degrees as I'm writing this) I still want to protect my hair.  In addition, I'm increasing the frequency of my workouts and I don't want my hair to be an excuse not to go to the gym.  So I visited Taji's Natural Hair Styling for another protective style.  I was able to wear this hair style for a total of 3 weeks.

For maintenance I just spritzed my hair a couple times a week with my moisturizing mist.  I would then seal in the moisture with a light oil, which would also add a little sheen.  I would also cover my hair at night with my satin bonnet.  That was it!  Simple & easy.

Check out the pictures below.

To achieve this look, Taji flat twisted the sides of my hair from the front to the back.  Then she two strand twisted the middle.  Afterwards, she pinned the twists in the middle to create this look.

During my 3rd week wearing this style, I took out the twists in the middle and created a different updo style.


  1. I love it! Gorgeous. I was thinking of asking Taji to do a similar style with me. :-)


  2. I'm glad you like it! I'm sure it would look great on you!


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